“Tobagonians, continue to hold onto that which is Tobagonian”
President George Maxwell Richards at the 9th inauguration of the Tobago House of Assembly on Thursday advised Tobagonians to continue to hold onto that which is Tobagonian.
President George Maxwell Richards at the 9th inauguration of the Tobago House of Assembly on Thursday advised Tobagonians to continue to hold onto that which is Tobagonian.
Political Leader of the Platform of Truth, Hochoy Charles says the intervention of Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar during the last week of the Tobago Organization of the People’s election campaign destroyed any chances the TOP had of winning the election.
The People’s National Movement won all 12 seats in the THA 2013 elections. The win has been dubbed a historic moment for Tobago as it has never happened like this before, where one party took all 12 electoral districts.
The Tobago Organization has lost the Tobago House of Assembly’s 2013 election. In fact they won none of the 12 seats and although the political leader of the party, Ashworth Jack isn’t sure where the party went wrong, he takes full responsibility for the loss.
Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar began the debate of the Constitution Amendment (Tobago) Bill in parliament. The bill seeks to give Tobago internal self-government.
As the bandwagon of the Platform of Truth rolled into Hope, all the speakers made it quite clear that Tobago is definitely in its darkest hour, as this election season has been turned into more of a fete, while the serious issues are not been dealt with.
In the opening of what is shaping up to be an epic battle with the Tobago House of Assembly over the controversial Milshirv deal, Attorney General Anand Ramlogan scored an initial victory by obtaining the grant of Leave for Judicial Review against the Tobago House of Assembly.
Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar said that Trinidad and Tobago is a democratic country and everyone is entitled to put forward someone they think suits the position of President of this country.
Tobago land title deeds have been delivered for the first time, following decades of frustration. In 2013, no longer will persons have to go to the sister isle to file applications and receive deeds as this can now be done right here in Tobago.
Tobago Police is now seeking a suspect following the shooting of two men in the Buccoo development, on Monday morning.