Proprietor conducts own Investigation
Imagine having your business broken into several times and being forced to conduct your own investigation to retrieve your goods. This is the plight of one Scarborough business owner.
Imagine having your business broken into several times and being forced to conduct your own investigation to retrieve your goods. This is the plight of one Scarborough business owner.
In less than a week, work will begin on the construction of a roundabout at the Auchenskeouch junction. This will be done to assist in the access of new buildings nearby, as well as to curb the amount of accidents that take place in the vicinity.
Relieved children jumped for joy, while others weren’t as enthusiastic, as the Secondary Entrance Assessment examination results were officially released throughout the country.
The chair persons of the various parties which make up the People’s Partnership Coalition held discussions in Tobago recently.
The Tobago West Village Football Cup held its prize giving at the Tobago Development office recently; following the finals of competition which was held at the Dwight Yorke Stadium.
Minority Leader in the Tobago House of Assembly Ashworth Jack described the Secretary of Finance Dr. Anslem London’s Budget presentation as a divisive and racially coated statement.
Following the presentation of the Tobago House of Assembly’s Budget on Monday, Chief Secretary Orville London commended the Secretary of Finance.
There has been increased talk about the Green Paper for many months now, with the People’s National Movement Tobago arm and the Tobago Organization of the People having contrasting views
25 year old Eintou Grant, former worker of Trico Cable Industries and resident of Carnbee appeared before magistrate Joan Gill on Tuesday afternoon, to answer charges related to money stolen from the company, since she was a Customer Service Representative/ Cashier.
The object that was discovered in Tobago waters last Thursday has not been identified. Public Relations Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard Lieutenant Jean Baptiste said that his officers were unable to remove the object from the water because of its enormous size.