PP celebrates 2 years as a Coalition
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PP celebrates 2 years as a Coalition

The People’s Partnership held their 2nd anniversary celebrations on May 24th at the Mid Center Mall in Chaguanas, with a massive crowd. At the celebrations…the Prime Minister made a very important announcement, citing that she will be evaluating performances and undertaking a re-configuration of the Cabinet of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. In a celebratory mood, the Prime Minister said that the People’s Partnership is all about advancing citizen’s interest.

Chief screech contempt, Udecott claims oversight
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Chief screech contempt, Udecott claims oversight

Yet another means by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to disrespect the Tobago House of Assembly. These were the utterances from Chief Secretary Orville London. This time concerning the official opening and handing over of keys of what is being called “Phase one-the base building works” of the Scarborough Financial Complex.