TTUTA celebrates 72 years
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TTUTA celebrates 72 years

The Tobago district of the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teacher’s Association held their annual Teacher’s Get Together ceremony and awards function recently at the Rovanel’s Resort. The event which also formed a part of the activities which were held throughout the week as part of TTUTA’s 72nd anniversary was also an opportunity to bid farewell to retiring teachers.

Tobago is blooming with opportunities
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Tobago is blooming with opportunities

The Chief Secretary in the Tobago House of Assembly, Hon. Orville London at a recent town meeting, spoke on the opportunities available in Tobago for all. He stated that there are going to be a lot of opportunities and challenges and once the opportunities are there, and it is not taken up, then someone else will take it away.

Home Gardening Initiative Launched
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Home Gardening Initiative Launched

Corpus Christi is a day when most people plant crops. In keeping with this tradition, the Minister of Food Crop Production, Land and Marine Affairs Vasant Bharath launched a Home Gardening Initiative. According to a release from the Minister of Food Crop Production, Land and Marine Affairs Vasant Bharath, the Home Garden Initiative was launched with the establishment of a model home garden at the Ministry’s Head office.

Fishermen cry, “Imposters onboard”
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Fishermen cry, “Imposters onboard”

Impostors on board!!! That’s the cry of one fisherman as he says that there is now a rush by persons claiming that they are fishermen in order to capitalise on the compensation money from Petro- Canada. Several years ago, the international oil drilling company Petro Canada conducted a seismic survey in the waters of Tobago.

We joined the PP solely to help Tobago and its people
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We joined the PP solely to help Tobago and its people

The Tobago Organization of the People Political Leader, Ashworth Jack made it clear during the People’s Partnership’s 2nd anniversary celebrations on Saturday in Tobago, that the reason for his party joining the partnership was solely in an attempt to help Tobago and the people on the Island.