Dr. Baker says C-minus for Budget Presentation
Minister of Tobago Development, Dr. Delmon Baker has given today’s budget presentation a grade of C-minus, after stating his dissatisfaction at the angle in which it was presented.
Minister of Tobago Development, Dr. Delmon Baker has given today’s budget presentation a grade of C-minus, after stating his dissatisfaction at the angle in which it was presented.
Secretary of the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development Joel Jack today presented the Tobago House of Assembly’s budget for fiscal year 2013/2014 with an overall request of 4.9billion dollars for Tobago from the Central Government with its theme, “Responding to the People’s Mandate”…Protecting Tobago’s Heritage.
Two men appeared before Senior Magistrate Nannette Forde on June 20th, on charges arising out of the June 11th drug bust. The men, Dion Stewart and Hayden George of Patience Hill and Cinnamon Hill respectively were charged for allegedly having in their possession two hundred kilograms of compressed marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
Touting is an ongoing problem especially for tourists who are constantly being harassed and hassled by boat owners trying to get a sale. The numerous appeals by some boat owners, boat users, locals and visitors to the Store Bay Beach facility and other facilitates throughout the island, for something to be done about touting are still coming in.
Minister of Tobago Development, Dr. Delmon Baker announced that the areas of Human Capital Development and Infrastructure should be the main points of focus in Monday’s Tobago House of Assembly budget presentation.
Trinidad and Tobago Police Service held its first town hall meeting in the village of Hope; this initiative is geared towards “Bridging the Gap between the Community and the Police”.
Tourism stakeholders came together at the Mt. Irvine Hotel to witness the signing ceremony of the Tobago Tourism Development Fund. The Fund was conceptualized by the Tobago Chamber of Commerce led by Ms. Diana Hadad.
Mary Alexander is claims that her grandson is being harassed constantly by police officers in Tobago. She said that on many occasions he has been taken into custody for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and has also been assaulted while in their custody.
Labour Day in Trinidad and Tobago; the anniversary of the day of protest in 1937. This effectively led to the recognition of the modern trade union movement and now it is recognized annually, on the 19th of June
The Division of Agriculture, Marine Affairs, Marketing and the Environment successfully concluded its 10th Annual Commercial Fishing Tournament for 2013.