Prime Minister at Inauguration
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Prime Minister at Inauguration

On Thursday, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissesar at the 9th Inauguration of the Tobago House of Assembly stated that by the result in the polls, the people of Tobago have rejected the TOP’s offer put forward via the Bill for internal self-government and as such, the debate and possible passing of the Bill has been pushed back till February.

Murder-Suicide in Buccoo
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Murder-Suicide in Buccoo

Residents of Buccoo are still trying to come to terms with the murder-suicide which occurred in their village on Tuesday. 36 year old Burlinda Solomon- Sobers was chopped to death at her Orchid Lane, Coral Gardens Buccoo home at around 7:45am. The assailant fled the scene but was later found dead in a nearby cornfield at Buccoo Junction in the vicinity of the traffic lights. Autopsies are yet to be conducted on the bodies.