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Assemblyman Beckles has plans for URP
You have a team you can trust, this is the assurance given by the assistant Secretary for the Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities to persons employed in the Unemployment Relief Program.

Obscene and Vulgar
The Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association desperately wants to meet with Caribbean Airlines to formulate a marketing plan to improve the dismal visitor figures forecast during the Easter vacation. In response, CAL explained they have been too busy to meet, further; they will not be providing additional flights. This news has been described as vulgar and obscene by Minority Assemblyman, Farley Augustine.

New THA Budget to be Read
At today’s plenary sitting Chief Secretary Orville London disclosed that a new budget for the Tobago House of Assembly will be laid on the 24th of October.

Kelly Ann Baptiste In Drug Test Scandal
Disbelief, heartbroken and confused was just some of the immediate emotions that infiltrated the Track and Field arena as news of T&T’s sprint queen Kelly Ann Baptiste alleged, failed drug test broke this morning.