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ACTT launches Student Caravan and Digital map in Tobago
June 1 marked an auspicious landmark for the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT). Recently the ACTT re-commissioned its Tobago office and launched both its Student Caravan and Digital map of registered and accredited higher education institutions.


Local Agencies Join Forces To Help Combat Crime
In an effort to combat one particular category of crime, officers from the various agencies on the island joined forces on Wednesday.

Race heats up for TOP internal elections
Director of Trico Industries Limited, Claude Benoit is once again contesting for the post of Chairman in the upcoming TOP internal elections.

Richards calls on Chief Secretary to explain 4000 TT cards distribution
Anselm Richards is claiming that the House of Assembly spent over two million dollars on Emergency Social Assistance Card Program for the Month of January 2013; Mr Richards said The Sum of 2, 224, 941.20 was spent by the THA during the period January 9th to 23rd on Emergency Social Assistance Card Program which was distributed to 4000 Tobagonians.