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Chief Secretary also talks hunting ban
Chief Secretary on Wednesday announced that he is concerned that he is not getting the evidence to support that this hunting ban was as well thought out, as it should have been.

Race heats up for TOP internal elections
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1.4 million dollars in funding distributed to Tobago sporting organizations
Approximately 1.4 million dollars in funding was distributed by the Tobago House of Assembly to various sporting organizations on the island. The handing over ceremony took place at the Education Conference Room.

Bishop Berkley addresses Ancestral Walkers
Scores of persons came out to take part in the annual Ancestral Walk which took place over the weekend. This walk was hosted by the St. Patrick’s Anglican Church with the aim of ensuring that successive generations never forget the history of how their church was constructed.

Plans for new Gas stations
At Thursday’s post cabinet media briefing, which was held at the Magdelena Grande Beach Resort, Senator the Honorable Kevin Ramnarine Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs announced that $9.5million will be spent to construct the Roxborough Gas station.