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Dump remains under fire
After running a story on Thursday about the hoard of flies affecting residents in Mt. St George and environs several callers to our newsroom later informed us that a fire had erupted at the dump in what they think is an attempt to contain the flies.

Tobago development Minister meets with Trade Unions
The Tobago development Minister called for a meeting between himself and the Trade Unions, however only one union was represented

Dwight Yorke Stadium to undergo extensive restoration work
Chief Secretary, Orville London last Wednesday announced that the Dwight Yorke Stadium will be under repair works from next week. Despite the challenges, the Chief Secretary said the decision was taken to start repair works to the facility which will be extensive.

PM devastated TOP’s chances, no future for TOP
Political Leader of the Platform of Truth, Hochoy Charles says the intervention of Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar during the last week of the Tobago Organization of the People’s election campaign destroyed any chances the TOP had of winning the election.

Mix Chemicals
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