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The Division of Tourism hosted its 3rd annual Wedding and Honeymoon Symposium at the Magdalena Grand Resort recently. The event was entitled “Tobago…Truly Romantic Wedding and Honeymoon Symposium”.

CEPEP Employees want Back pay
CEPEP employees are now clamoring for their back pay. The employees told Channel Five News that they have observed other daily paid employees receiving their arrears, while they are still awaiting their share.

Auchenskeouch Roundabout almost complete
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Minority calculation deemed as “voodoo arithmetic”
Chief Secretary Orville London was extremely vocal about comments made by Minority leader Ashworth Jack in his last bi-monthly Minority press briefing.

Opposition leader pushes for November 2nd protest
Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley is advising citizens to either shutdown their work places or work for half the day on November 2 and take to the streets of Port-of-Spain at noon to demand good governance.

Tobago launches Emergency Medical Alert
The Division of Finance and Enterprise Development in collaboration with the Tobago Information Technology Centre launched their latest initiative, the Emergency Medical Alert System.