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Road fatality mars Great Fete Weekend
Relatives, this evening are mourning the loss of 52 year old Venus Henry who was killed on Friday night on the Claude Noel Highway.

Social and Economic plans to be Revealed
The Tobago public will have its say once again about the Island’s social and economic decisions as the Tobago House of Assembly prepares its economic plans for the next five years.

Listen to the Workers
Port Authority workers are frustrated as they accused management of unfair treatment. They staged a protest in Scarborough hoping that their concerns are heard.

Staircase an initiative of the Scarborough Enhancement Programme
THA’s Chief Administrator comments on the Burnett Street staircase now under construction in Scarborough. He said the project is in keeping with the Scarborough Beautification Programme.

Can TOP Recover
Following the Tobago Organization’s loss against the People’s National Movement in the THA elections and with the upcoming internal elections just around the corner, will a new chairman be able to steer them in the right direction?

Delay in Opening Schools
Children were turned back from a number of schools today, as repairs and reconstruction works were not yet completed. Parents made a fuss about not knowing beforehand that the schools were not opening and added that they still were not given a definite date of reopening.