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Justice Carmona is T&T President elect
Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar has announced Justice Anthony Thomas Acquina Carmona- SC as the Government’s nominee for the post of President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

If called upon to serve as Political leader, I will do just that
Member of the Tobago Organization of the People Anselm Richards said the party is very much alive. He said in the past month, they have spent time revising what transpired on January 21st 2013 and scientifically analyzing the results, so they will be better prepared for the next THA elections.

Tobago joins in celebrating IWD
The Tobago Women Police in collaboration with the Tobago Women Fire officers celebrated International Women’s Day with a church service and a hamper distribution ceremony.

MDD and PoT will join PNM to try to conquer the TOP
Trinidad and Tobago may soon see its second coalition political party. Political Leader of the Tobago Organization of the People (TOP) Ashworth Jack says he has been informed that the Platform of Truth and the Movement for Democracy and Development will be joining forces with the PNM in an attempt to defeat the Tobago Organization of the People.