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Apollo officially welcome
As a means of bolstering the island tourism trade negotiations have been ongoing with Scandinavian based Apollo airlines to commence flights to Tobago. As part of the build up to the maiden voyage, agents for the airline are currently on a familiarization tour of Tobago.

Tobago the New Energy Hub
In a presentation at the Victor E. Bruce Financial Complex, Economist Vanus James gave the audience some major insight into the energy industry and projectiles of exactly how much wealth can be accumulated for Tobago, if that avenue is explored.

“Tobago Chalkie” crowned Tobago Calypso Monarch 2013
One of the biggest carnival events in Tobago took place on Wednesday night; the Tobago Calypso Monarch, 13 calypsonians took the stage in the 2013 calypso monarch competition to perform for the audience and of course the judges, all in hopes of copping the first prize.

Traffic lights commissioned at Buccoo
With one week to go before the annual busy Easter weekend, the Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities has commissioned the new traffic lights at Buccoo Junction.

TRICO Customer Appreciation Day 2013
TRICO Industries Limited hosted their Customer Appreciation Day celebrating 18yrs as the island’s lone cable television provider. Trico provides Cable television to 90% of the island’s 60,000 residents.