Capital of Paradise crew members awaiting THA promises
Two former Capital of Paradise crew members are still waiting on officials at the Tobago House of Assembly to fulfill promises which were made to them back in 2008.
Two former Capital of Paradise crew members are still waiting on officials at the Tobago House of Assembly to fulfill promises which were made to them back in 2008.
The Division of Finance and Enterprise Development, Business Development Unit delivered 98 more grants along with four loans to successful applicants of the programs. The Secretary of the Division in his remarks said he along with the THA, though very challenging, will continue to ensure that Tobagonians are well taken care of.
Secretary for Finance and Enterprise Development in The Tobago House of Assembly Dr. Anselm London, on Monday unveiled a 4.3 billion dollar budget statement. This sum is the Assembly’s proposed financial package to meet its development programs and recurrent expenditure for the fiscal year 2012/2013.
June 18 was the official opening of the Victor E. Bruce Financial Complex in Market Square, Scarborough. History was made yesterday as Tobago officially opened its very own Victor E. Bruce financial complex located in Scarborough.
Pensioners, the physically challenged, the sick, persons in abusive relationships and those who are without caregivers are to benefit from a new Medic-alert system to be introduced by the Tobago House of Assembly from August
Actions are being undertaken to shape the second strategic action plan for Tobago for the next five years, 2013 to 2017. This action includes public consultations. One such consultation took place at the Mt. Irvine Bay Hotel.
The Tobago public will have its say once again about the Island’s social and economic decisions as the Tobago House of Assembly prepares its economic plans for the next five years.