What would Good Friday celebrations be without tradition? One famous such tradition is an effigy of Judas Iscariot? This, better known as the Good Friday Bobolee is one of Easter’s more animated traditions, which serves to allow members of the public to relieve their many frustrations by beating the character with sticks.
]]>It was in the year 2004 that the PTSC Bus terminus was relocated from Gardenside Street to its current location in Sangster’s Hill. Persons using this service believe that the building needs to be moved to a place that is more suitable.
]]>Residents of Bloody Bay may soon see a Public Transport Service Corporation Bus rumbling through their area. This, after the Manager of PTSC Tobago Henry Cook assured that the situation is being addressed.
]]>For many years, the people of Tobago have been awaiting the construction of a new bus terminal in Scarborough. In order to find out when this building will be constructed, Tobago Channel Five News went straight to the key persons PTSC Manager Henry Cook, Secretary for Infrastructure and Public Utilities Hilton Sandy and even the Minister of Transport Devant Maharaj.
]]>Minister of Transport Devant Maharaj met with stakeholders in Tobago at the Conference room of the Rovanel’s Resort. The aim of this meeting was to discuss transportation issues relevant to Tobago.