Sales Truck crashes into a house at Back Hill Whim
A runaway delivery truck on Friday morning plunged into a house, crashing through the living room area. Luckily no one was hurt.
A runaway delivery truck on Friday morning plunged into a house, crashing through the living room area. Luckily no one was hurt.
In a press release issued, E-IDCOT, the project managers of the Cove Eco-industrial and Business Park, denounced any responsibility for the frequent power outages which have been occurring in Tobago for the past couple of weeks.
Tobago experienced heavy rainfall for many hours on Thursday. At 5pm Communications Officer of the Tobago Emergency Management Agency Alex Browne said that TEMA received nine reports from persons affected by the rain. The first incident was the flooding of a residence in Hampden Lowlands.
Residents of Bloody Bay may soon see a Public Transport Service Corporation Bus rumbling through their area. This, after the Manager of PTSC Tobago Henry Cook assured that the situation is being addressed.
The new school year will be opening in just under two weeks and many are wondering if the schools in Tobago that are under repairs will be ready in time. Secretary for Education, Youth Affairs and Sport, Whitney Alfred at Wednesday’s post executive press briefing addressed several concerns.
The Tobago House of Assembly, in conjunction with the Department of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport, held their Olympic Athlete Appreciation ceremony on Monday evening at Cafe Coco. However, the athletes were a no-show
On Tuesday, several matters came up before Magistrate Nannette Forde John, who presided in the Scarborough Magistrate’s First Court. Three of the charges which arose included that of possession of firearms and ammunition.
The Prime Minister, Olympic Gold medallist Keshorn Walcott, double bronze medallist Lalonde Gordon and members of T&T 2012 Olympic team had a grand Motorcade across the island.
The month long fast observed by Muslims around the world ended yesterday with the celebration of EID ul Fitr. In Tobago, members of the Bon Accord Masjid Ibn Abaas and the Lowlands Masjid al Tawbah also celebrated.
Throngs of adoring fans, friends and family, of double Olympic bronze medalist Lalonde Gordon, swarmed the A.N.R Robinson International Airport on Saturday afternoon to welcome this son of the soil back home in fine style.