Rotaract engages back to school fundraiser
The local Rotaract Club recently held their annual back to school fundraiser project in the form of a carwash at the Store Bay beach facility car park.
The local Rotaract Club recently held their annual back to school fundraiser project in the form of a carwash at the Store Bay beach facility car park.
Omale James, the lone Tobagonian on the title winning Trinidad and Tobago Regional under 15 Cricket team, has returned home. The gifted and talented Omale James who resides in Whim arrived from Jamaica after his teams success at the regional level.
Parliament has reconvened with the President of Trinidad and Tobago, Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona delivering stern words for members of Parliament. The ceremonial opening began with the swearing in of newly elected Member for Chaguanas West Jack Warner and four independent Senators.
Life guards in Tobago are staging a sickout this weekend and they are threatening that they will not be working on weekends until further notice.
The St. Patrick’s Anglican Church celebrated their 170th anniversary last Saturday with their 13th annual ancestral Walk. The walk began at 7 am at the Mt. Irvine Beach Facility and ended at the church in Mt. Pleasant.
The village of Roxborough was alive to the sweet sound of drums as they enacted their heritage tradition – The Belmanna Riot.
Chief Secretary Orville London spoke to some members of the media about Mr. Warner’s victory. Mr. London explained that the electorate’s choice must first be respected and the result signals to political parties that they should do some analysis and introspection.
On Monday, the Scarborough Community Centre was turned into “The living museum”, allowing patrons to be entertained by different characters, while learning many facts about life in the past.
The hunt is on for the crown of the popular Tobago Heritage Calypso competition 2013. The show is carded to take place on Friday night on the Plymouth Hard Court. The competition is expected to be a keenly contested one as twelve calypsonians will lyrically wrestle to take the crown from the reigning heritage monarch Tobago Chalkie.
The Secretary of Infrastructure and Public Utilities has now divulged some concerns he has, with the new Shaw Park Cultural Facility currently under construction. An additional 45 million dollars has been air marked in this year’s Tobago House of Assembly budget for the completion of the Shaw Park Cultural Complex.